核心理念 Core Ideology
万达愿景: 国际万达 百年企业 Vision: Becoming an international brand for 100 years.
万达使命: 共创财富 公益社会 Mission: Creating wealth together and benefiting society.
万达精神: 勤学敬业 志在必得 Spirit: Diligent to learn, reverent to work, confident to succeed.
核心价值观:诚信 创新 自律 和谐 Core Values: Honesty, innovation, self-discipline, harmony.
经营理念 Operation Theory
基本理念 Basic Ideology
突出优势 整合资源 效益优先 现金为王 Giving full play to the enterprise strength, consolidating the enterprise resources, prioritizing the enterprise benefit, highlighting the enterprise cash flow.
管理理念 Management Theory
人才理念:人是核心资本 Theory of Human Resources: Human is the core capital.
学习理念:万达就是学校 Theory of Learning: Wanda makes a good school.
领导理念:领导重在执行 Theory of Leading: Executing is the main task for leaders.
制度理念:制度就是严格 Theory of Regulations: Regulations not restrictly obeyed make no sense.
沟通理念:沟通贵在坦诚 Theory of Communication: Candor is the soul of communication.
服务理念:服务关注细节 Theory of Service: Good service depends on the details.
质量理念:质量是立身之本 Theory of Quality: Quality is the basis on which an enterprise stands.
成本理念:成本检验管理水平 Theory of Cost: Cost is the indicator of an enterprise's management level.